An Independent Scentsy Consultant who strives for great customer service.
As an Independent Scentsy Consultant, I have so many Scentsy Warmers to match your decor and Scentsy Bars to make your nose happy.
This is not your typical candle store.

As an Independent Scentsy Consultant, I have so many Scentsy Warmers to match your decor and Scentsy Bars to make your nose happy.
This is not your typical candle store.
16 LED lighting effects can display one color, rotate through multiple colors or display a soft white glow and even a candle-flicker effect. • Shades can be purchased separately so you can swap them out for a new look. • All Scentsy Diffusers come with a limited lifetime warranty.*
Click on the image to explore our diffusers.
The Scentsy Air Purifier automatically detects particles in the air.
Air is pulled through a HEPA H13 filter, removing 99.95% of airborne particles including dust, pollen, mold and bacteria. The air purifier comes with a limited lifetime warranty.
Click on the image to explore our air purifier.
You’ll never have to worry about running out of a low-cost gift option that you’ll be able to hand out or mail to clients and/or your referral partners.
Scent circles are not only a low-cost gift option - You can also mail them with thank you cards, anniversary cards (of buying a house, using your services, etc), customer newsletters, etc.
As an Independent Scentsy consultant, I can guide you to the perfect gift for every occasion.
Explore how to access all of the different light settings of the Scentsy diffuser.
One of the more popular questions I get is what to do about wax that has spilled on carpets, walls, and even pets!
I'm a mom to two and a wife to one. I'm a teacher, foster parent, author, volunteer, and a business owner. Life is busy, but that's why I love Scentsy. It helps our home stay welcoming (even with all the furbabies) and it helps bring in extra income. I work it around my jam-packed schedule. I love having my Scentsy near me.
Copyright © 2025 Denise Steele Independent Scentsy Consultant - All Rights Reserved.
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